Video Games & Mental Health
The best studies on video games & mental health help us understand how video games affect your mental health. These are great questions and documents if you are a...
This article explains some treatments for kidney failure, but I am just a kidney failure patient, and this is not a medical site. It is advised you talked to family, medical staff, and doctors before making...
left basic healthy kidney, right polycystic kidney disease kidney
What is Polycystic Kidney Disease
Just to point out I am no medical expert, doctor, or nurse. I am a person who lives with polycystic...
Wellness Tools & Coping Skills and Recovery
While being a peer support specialist I have learned about coping skills & wellness tools & recovery and the difference between the two.
As a 40-year-old man with little to no athletic history, this would be a topic I normally wouldn’t write about but after a long year of the coronavirus being around and me being extremely inactive because...
“Dogs are not our whole family, but they make our lives whole”
I had never gone to the Humane Society to adopt and rescue a pet before, and of course, I am not an expert on training...
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