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2 Blogs Donation Bundle

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K-9 for Warriors
Meals on Wheels

3 blogs Sales Bundle

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Outcast Services is a business professional set to help with blogs, website content, and articles for marketing purposes. To increase traffic to your website to help with sales and boost public notice of your website and business.


Key things to know about Winter Depression

Key things to know about Winter Depression


Welcome to the wonderful winter weather of the year and to some welcome winter depression. Now the question is what is winter depression? How does it affect you? And how do you cope with it? Key things to know about winter depression can help in recovering from winter depression.


The medical term for winter depression is known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The seasonal affective disorder commonly happens in the fall and winter months but can happen also during the summer months. There are two terms.

cannabis and Epilepsy

In the small town I grew up in, the older generation smoked cannabis, or what they called pot all the time to help them relax after long days of work. As a teenager, I even tried some myself to help cope with my epilepsy, but it wasn’t till I was a young adult that I learned cannabis and epilepsy could work together in helping patients with seizures.

If you research cannabis and epilepsy, you will find hundreds of studies, even studies from 1979, right after the government, put cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug, fitting in with other drugs like cocaine, meth, and heroin, that doctors still thought if used the right way cannabis could be used as an antiepileptic drug to help patients with epilepsy.


copywriting, ads, logo's

Marketing & Informative

Certification in Social Media for Business and Excellent skills in researching, commutation, problem solving. Including  professional creative thinking and creative writing skills https://outcastservices.com/contact/



Outcast services write  E-newsletters to members of your email group. We writer newsletters for company updates, business decisions, customer reviews, public and private events and much more

One E-Newsletter

Basic Price $200

One Blog Post

Basic Price $125